Another Fuel Tank - Another Story

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Another Fuel Tank - Another Story

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Jul 18 Sun 2:23 am

Hi Guys;

I'm getting afraid, one thing leading into another. Starting to worry what will be next.

Site Purest stop and wait for actual Conestoga stuff, others, another little story in the saga of Rogerdom.

First day driving with new lead filled leg. Received letter with Gold Seal attached from Dept. of Justice allowing me to pick-up Revolver. So decide to take every piece of I.D. I have so the Sheriff's office will release my gun to me. Even take gun lock and lockable gun bag just to be sure.

Drive the over 100 miles SOUTH to the pick-up location after making appt. to pick-up gun. Enter this C.S.I. Facility where you only communicate by phone. Really impressed with all this Security. Tell the young man on the other end of the phone about who I am and that I have a appointment. Also give him file number to expedite. Waiting for someone to come through one of the four or five doors I find out are not locked since folks have been entering after coming in front door then going through door No.1 thru 5 without even a key or buzzer. Duh! SECURITY? Think not. But I digress. 2 young girls with badges come out with a medium size box that is sealed in fancy CSI tape with a opening in the top of the box that is covered in clear plastic so you can see what is in box to ID. I ask what kind of ID do they wish to see to verify I am who they are expecting and not some homeless drifter Alcoholic off the street that just found this stuff. THEY ASK TO SEE THE PAPER LETTER WITH THE GOLD SEAL, THEN ASK ME TO SIGN TWO PAGES SHOWING I HAVE PICKED UP THE REVOLVER I ask about putting a lock on the revolver and locking it the gun bag for safe traveling. " Oh no it will be safe in that taped CSI box. DON'T WORRY." I then offer ALL my I.D. to witch they tell me not to bring out since they have the GOLD SEAL LETTER. DUH!!! Have I just been put through Hell and now," WE TRUST WHOEVER YOU SAY YOU ARE."

I now make the 100 mile jaunt NORTH home and then Esther, my wife of 43 years, and I decide to make the 100 plus mile trip north to Ontario Airport to pick-up out Great Niece who will be spending a 10 day vacation with us and celebrating her 18th. birthday out here in California.

Everything is now working well with no problems as we have picked her up and are now on our 100 plus mile trip home. Until I run over a three foot long Peice of Re-Bar that lodges itself in the Plastic GAS TANK and we now have gasoline running down this piece of Re-BAR which is digging into the road. A SPARK ANYONE??? We are now off the 15 between where the South 15 and the East 60 traffic turns south onto the 15 south.

We call 911 and wait and wait and wait and wait until someone, anyone shows up. And it's still running fuel out the tank and down the re-bar onto the road and then in the brush where all 16 plus gallons puddle in the dirt. Fortunately cool heads prevailed and we were able to get home by 2 AM.

After a sad fiasco of things. We got home at after 2:00 AM. I guess that's not to bad for all this crap. Luckily got a Hertz rental and was able to return it in Temecula.

Wife says, Honey something is leaking in the Engine area and a flashing light says we need oil.check out this and now no oil in the only vehicle we have left My 3/4 GMC Truck. Which we had just switched to Mobil 1 oil. fortunetly nothin else has come to light.

We need a break as do most of those around US ..... HA!!!!

OK, I need to get better and then have a group party over to get our vehicles running.... Help, ROGER...........
Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
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Re: Another Fuel Tank - Another Story

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Jul 19 Mon 10:30 pm


And the final total to get the car back with a USED gas tank. $1,388.00 ..... That's what the Insurance Co. wanted. And that's we we get. At least we only have to pay a $100.00 deductable.

This does not count the rental cost or the towing cost or the 16 gallons of gas lost. Nor the cost of the Fire Dept. call or the Haz Mat cleanup. Can't wait until those bills hit. Hey, the best part is that no one got hurt and the car did not go up in flames...

Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
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Re: Another Fuel Tank - Another Story

Postby Mike » 2010 Jul 21 Wed 6:37 am

Boy...the ol crapola is just pounding you and now your familly..

Hope it leaves your address soon..!

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