Is it Friday yet...?

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Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Mike » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 11:21 am

I've actually had to do manual labor here at work today...
I thought I got into an office and behind a computer to get away from manual labor.

But I did make it thru the first round of layoffs last week...

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 12:16 pm

Whoa Hoss;

Glad to hear you made it through the FIRST lay off. That means you expect more ? What type of business is it ? If this is their first lay off at least they have been doing something right if they made it this far without any.

So, how hard is this manual labor ? Should not be much tougher then working on those Studebaker's. That is unless your working on the Company DOORS. Ha!!!

Seriously, hope they realize how important you are to the Company and decide to keep you around. Can't imagine any company that has a employee that travels as much as you have, being able to find someone to replace you. Of course that's only if your fixing things the first time and all the traveling is not to fix YOUR screw ups. Ha!!

OK, I'll stop. Good Luck and hope everything gets back to normal for you.

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Mike » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 1:17 pm

Northrop Grumman (the Space part of Aerospace), Test Engineer.

Yea, heard there will be three from now thru the first of the year.

THANKS Obama...for your support.....

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 3:51 pm


Three more. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Don't you just love this Stimulus Package ?

Does this mean a possible early retirement package for you or just a possible lay off ? Neither one is really that great. Welcome to being 60... what ever happened to those Golden Parachutes ? Now they just throw you out of the Plane and if your lucky they give you a shopping bag w/ handles. Good luck landing.....

Good friend of ours had worked at Ford Motor company since he graduated from college. Western Regional Chief of Blah, Blah, Blah. Ford Home Office, Dearborn, MI. informs him that they are offering early retirements and oh, yes there will be lay offs if there are not enough people taking early retirement package. He figures that since he was not yet 60 and since he had such a long history and top position that he would not have anything to worry about. Talk about the wrong choice, he didn't take the Retirement Package. The only car he owned was a T-Bucket Roadster, the 3 new family vehicles were all supplied by Ford at no charge. He could buy one or all at Fords A Plan rate if he wanted, but he had to get his own financing. Good Morning, here are a couple of boxes please empty your desk while we watch and call your wife and son and have them bring the other two vehicles to the office. Is there someone you can call to come over and pick you up to drive you and the family home? Thanks Ford..... Took him 3 years to get a full time job. They just laid him off after 8 months. Ain't life swell ? He's detailing cars out of his garage, his wife is Catering events for friends, his son is thinking of joining the Armed Forces since there is no money to send him to College and the Daughter is still in High School.

I don't care who is serving in what political office, I want Term Limits and no special Retirement Packages or exemptions from Laws. If they make Campaign promises and don't keep them they should serve time and have to return the money we pay them. And who the hell put Jerry Brown and Barbra Boxer back in Office ?

OK, I'm done venting.

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby hi-per al » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 6:07 pm

WOW...Rocket Scientists looking over thier shoulders! That is scary. Mike you are a survivor!

Life be different in my world! Golden Parachute? I'm on the retirement 85 plan! Only security I have is knowing that as long as I show up for work there is a chance of me earning a living. Some days its buns up, kneelin.

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 6:55 pm

But Al;

At least you have that great Government Health Plan. You get to work yourself to near death and then that Government health Plan will keep you going, right?

Let us know what we have to look forward to. Please ? We have both the Republican and the Democratic Political Party's telling us lies.

Of course we have also heard that they, OUR GOVERNMENT, look for those that live in The Great White North that tell us Southerners the truth and hunt them down. Never to be heard from again......

Even my wife, who has been in the Insurance Industry for almost 40 years, can't figure out what the truth is. Or could it be she has been threatened not to talk about it ? Humm ???

More venting about Politics..

Sorry, I really need to be working on the Studebaker.

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 6:58 pm


Someone is at the front door and they have a badge... Ha!!!

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Mike » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 7:39 pm

Yea..pretty much stinks...of sumthin..!

I've survived two other layoffs since the day I walked in the front door.
One of the problems is that when I did...walk in the front door, the place was TRW. Then a few years down the road, Northrop came in and did a hostle takeover, and the TRW management rolled over.
Since that time, the group I work for, the Space, Satellite Division, it's been a FEW YEARS now....we have won NO new contracts. Northrop Grumman as a company has gotten new work, just not the group I work for.

The project I've been working on for the last 5+ years...finally done and gone.
I was working on the new JWST(James Webb Space Telescope), deep space camera...but thanks to our "wonderfull" Prez. that's been set back about a year, money wise.
The word is.....nothing for our group till next summer at the earliest.

Again...thanks to our "wonderfull freaking Prez.", the Space world has taken a big dump. It's actually bigger than the Automotive bailout thing...cause they wont give us any bailout money.....!

Oh's the weekend...enough whin'en already..

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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Nov 05 Fri 8:21 pm


This one, Obama, sure ain't no Kennedy. We've got to take care of all those poor Illegal Aliens and all those Special Interest that got him elected. Why worry about your job ? We can all become Socialist and let the wealthy take care of us with all the Taxes they will pay. Sure!! You don't need no stinkin' JOB !!!

Why worry about our future in space ? I guess the Chinese can take that over also. Hell they are sure making a bunch of big bucks in interest off of our debt.

I've got to stop this venting. I need a stiff drink.

Later, Roger...
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Re: Is it Friday yet...?

Postby hi-per al » 2010 Nov 07 Sun 10:58 pm

Roger....You asked so here goes....

On the healthcare deal up there are definately some flaws in the system. Aint free...Costs about $58.00 a month. And everyone pays except for the residents of Alberta where the provincial government picks up the tab for all Alberta residents. One of the benefits of living in the province with the asshole of the world in it. No one is denied medical help if in need.

Not all procedures are covered. If you want a sex change, it is not covered. No perscriptions, glasses, contacts, or dental. Long wait times for some procedures make you angry.

On the other hand I have had two bouts of Cancer in my life here. The first one, Lymphoma, was beat into remission after a very hectic year of numerous courses of chemotherapy and 3 stints of oncology. This event happened in 1982/83 when the heatlthcare cost were around $29.00 a month. Cheap fix. 28 years in remission and still counting. In September of 2009 I was diagnosed with an unrelated bout of Kidney Cancer. 2 1/2 month wait to have one removed. Surgeon told me a just before Christmas 09 that he was extremely confident that he had eradicated the carcinoma with the surgery. I am rite now going thru a battery of followup tests to make sure that his optimism is on the mark. For this I am thankful.

Having been a patient in a US trauma center in 1998 and having been billed $1080.00 for 2 X-rays, a pair of crutches, a sandwich and 1/2 hour of thier time.......... I really have to wonder what my ailments would have cost me in the good ole US of A?

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