what do I have?

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Re: what do I have?

Postby Half Fast One » 2012 Apr 08 Sun 11:22 pm


A light dip in a acid wash. No longer allowed in California, NOT GREEN . Need to take it to Nevada, Arizona or Mexico.

Baking Soda Blasting. VERY GREEN so allowed in California. After blasting you just wash it down with water. Wait, isn't that what caused them to rust in the first place?

Actually the rust started with thin cheap metal, bad seals, and/or road salt, salt water or sand. I'm sure there were other things that affected the Studebaker Line such as poor painting practices etc. but who's counting? HA!!!

I once sold Fords way back in the day. Remember the first Maverick I sold. Came in off the transporter and after getting it checked in, the guy that washed it before delivery told me to keep the customer from checking out the pass. side door. The paint on the bottom square foot of the door was the only thing holding what little metal was there together. Was told to deliver a New Torino to it's first time buyer, a very attractive young lady, but only in the early afternoon on a sunny day. No wipers or wiper motor and no power to any of the lights. Yep, them were the days.

Enough rambling.

Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
Posts: 202
Joined: 2004 Dec 18 Sat 9:00 am
Location: Hemet California 92545

Re: what do I have?

Postby bwipf » 2012 Apr 09 Mon 8:41 pm

hmm good options too, im in south dakota where GREEN is not a word. just kidding we love our farmland, we're just not fanatical in the california sort of way... :D
Posts: 6
Joined: 2012 Mar 27 Tue 9:08 pm



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