Who is Spokane Bound?

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Who is Spokane Bound?

Postby hi-per al » 2005 Aug 05 Fri 3:32 pm

Howdy folks...I am just wondering how many of you will be at the National in Spokane and when ya might be there? I will be there but I will be Conestogaless.:( Just not enough time to get it together and tested by then. I plan on riding my FLHRP mule there to check things out. I would really enjoy putting some faces to the Memberlist here.8) See ya there...Al
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Postby Guest » 2005 Aug 06 Sat 8:21 pm

Time...or the lack of it.
Too bad it wasn't a few weeks ago, I had a slow time at work. I coulda taken a four day weeked and made the trip. I'll be pretty busy for the next coupla months, no time off.

Postby Guest » 2005 Aug 06 Sat 8:27 pm

Woh, I forgot to log in, and didn't notice till I hit "submit"!
I'm on my laptop, cause I don't have a current virus checker installed on my desk top comp. I tried to install a fresh Norton and it doesn't wanna seem to install. Just haven't taken the time to fight it.

Anyway....Mike from So. Cal., out.

Postby BRIZ » 2005 Aug 10 Wed 1:00 am

man-o-man, i'd love to make it.... but my rv is git'n re-upholstered...

considering try'n to drive my conestoga with it's tired 259 and bleeding trany.... hmmmm...
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Postby hi-per al » 2005 Aug 12 Fri 5:53 pm

Well guys I was really hoping to me you both face to face. My Conest still needs a diff and a real test drive before I would venture that far with it. Having said that my wife and I are climbing aboard our 2 wheel modes to at least spend a day or two down that way and see what we can see. Have never been to a Stude national event so me thinks that I will find it very enlightening. I will be a great place to hunt for an "oga ".

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Postby StudeDave57 » 2005 Aug 15 Mon 5:57 pm

After 8 months at sea, I too was hoping to make it there- but I won't! :cry: There's just too much to try and catch up on after having been gone that long. It also doesn't help that I found another car I may buy- a '58 Packard if you can believe it!!! :shock: :P :roll:

My family did make it there, though- look 'em up- they are vending as 'Studebakers Northwest'. I was also hoping to go to the Zone meet in Reno, but that is now also out! Maybe next year...
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Postby BRIZ » 2005 Aug 16 Tue 7:53 pm

yup, i ain't gunna make it either!

shoot, and it's in my woods....

just not a good idea with the condition of all my studes now.
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Postby hi-per al » 2005 Aug 23 Tue 9:23 pm

Howdy folks....Spokane was real interesting too say the least. I was told there was over 400 Studes in and around the show Hotel. Truly some awsome restorations as well as some of the most stunning Stude customs that I have ever seen. Celebrating the 50th year of the Speedster and there were probably 15 or so in attendance. There was only one Coupe Express and it was much modified using all type of updated Studebaker innovations from over the years. It was truly breath-taking!

I only saw 2 true Conestogas in the parking lot and show. Both 55's. One was an outstanding restoration belonging to Don Hagen of San Jose, Ca. Chatted with him once briefly and could not find him again to talk. The other was a very mild Goodguys Custom that was not modified body wise except for a very tasteful contemporary paint job, wheels and interior. Had a mildly modified 1954 232 c.i. powerplant with 3 speed O.D.. Very nice!

There was also an outstanding custom 1950 2 door Conestoga Woody wagon. Built off of a 4 door sedan base. The owner stated it was "One of None Made". For Sale 90K. Yowsa!

The swapmeet was a lttle underwhelming with probably a total of 30 to 40 vendors. When I asked for Conestoga bits I always got the same response...You must be kidding? The search for "OGA" goes on. The Stude Museum Auction had some very interesting lots with the crowd in the room bidding items to the max in the early going to do thier bit to support the cause. The auctioneer was painfully slow and after about 11 P.M. the crowd had thinned out to the point that there were some real bargains. They said that they raised well over $10,000 in support of the Museum.

I will try and get a few flix to Briz and see if he can post them.

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