Cylinder Head Porting

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Cylinder Head Porting

Postby Mike » 2010 May 05 Wed 6:56 pm

I finished the porting paper a while back, but with some of the problems Sonny's had with his site and the extra work to find a home for 22 pages has taken longer thAn expected.
Nothing against Sonny, he's worked very hard to keep his sight up and error free.
It will still find a home on Sonnys Racing Site, one of these days soon.

So...if anyone's interested, let me know by way of an e-mail and I'll e-mail you a copy.
ocr1atearthlinkdotnet.......(replace the "at" with @...and the "dot" with a .
Note...this work is not for the timid. It will take you time and a concentrated effort to get good results.

BUT PLEASE, it's a long read, and if you are just browsing, please pass by this I've had some ask for it, but hint that they would "maybe" do the work or are just interested to see what I've done. I don't want to crash my computer with a bazillion people wanting a copy....! I'm mechanical...not good with computers...!
If you are truly interested in better performance, and have some good hand skills, I'd be more than willing to pass on my testing/porting information.

I've got it saved in Microsoft Word, version 97/2002, so that is the way it will come to you.

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Re: Cylinder Head Porting

Postby hi-per al » 2010 May 05 Wed 8:55 pm

Mr. Mike...You have mail!

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Re: Cylinder Head Porting

Postby hi-per al » 2011 Aug 23 Tue 10:15 pm

Mr. Mike ...Thanx for the enlightenment on your headwork bowl findings that you were generous enuff to post on the Racing Stude site! How is the progress on these heads coming? Are they for you or clients? Doing any for CASO's?

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Re: Cylinder Head Porting

Postby Mike » 2011 Aug 24 Wed 2:50 pm

Hey Al -

The head work is "finally..." comming to an end. With all that travel back east last year, I wasn't getting any head work done like I should have.
I've got almost two (out of three) sets done as of now. I was asked to chart my time to come up with a cost...!
From start to "almost" the takes me about 30 hours to complete (hand port) a set of Stude heads. Not including shop (seats, guides, etc.) parts.

Of the three sets I'm working right now, two are mine, one set is for a friend. He was gonna put them in his Avanti. But has since thought he'd buy a 59/60 Lark and build a hot rod...around my heads...! A real hot rodder there...!

As for doing CASO work... Well...the real cheap work no. I'll leave that to Jack (Vines). He'll do just hard exhaust seats, or he'll install his LS (Chevy) valve install deal, and that's fine. But if you are looking for a true flow gain, it's pretty difficult to keep things too cheap. Just too much tedious hand grinding that removes a lot of material...AND trying to keep the removal as even as possible...port to port.

If you are interested Al, I'm sure we can figure out something. I have no doubt you know about true port flow gains.
The stock 570 casting, with clean ports, good, stock seats, good stock valves will net about a 135cfm intake flow.
My max. flow, (not including a four angle seat grind), was 205cfm. Not a bad increase.
BUT...per my note (you mention), I can't guarentee any wall thicknesses until I get out my sonic tester and start checking different wall thicknesses. That's my "final word" so to far as how far I can grind in critical areas.
I'd guess 190cfm is a advertized intake port flow value.
Again...BUT, remember, my original goal...was more the "quality" than the "quantity" (or amount) of flow. The quantity just followed along with the quality.
Funny thing...I learned about the quality of flow messing with the motorcycle carburetors...!

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Re: Cylinder Head Porting

Postby hi-per al » 2011 Aug 25 Thu 10:04 pm

Mr. Mike

Quality is the Only REAL consideration. Easy to make ports flow by making them bigger. As you know Making them flow and maintaining velocity is the key. Reducing eddy areas and keeping the charge homogenous is where its at.
Oh man there I go trying to converse with a REAL rocket scientist!

Did a number of sets of IronHead Harley heads in my day and man cast iron is tedious and time consuming on 2 cylinders let alone 8. Takes 12-14 hours to do up a set of Twin Cam heads with serious port shaping, combustion chamber reconfiguration, oversize valves, valve guides and rework rockers boxes for springs and so on. And these are aluminum parts and we do 1 or 2 sets a month. We would do more but unlike Stude heads there are a plethora of aftermarket heads for these apps. Can you say belly button?

I am somewhat interested but although I am not a REAL CASO I tend to be somewhat thrifty. Learned art from being in a seasonal business in my world. Anyway if you come up with some sort of pricing I would certainly appreciate an email. You have the addy.

Thanx for the response here. Very 8)

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