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Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Jul 01 Thu 1:26 am

Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a good story teller. Maybe if I didn't have such a exiting life?

OK, My neighbor calls me tells me he has this biggest Rattle snake he has ever seen on his property and had just jammed a shell in his 18 year old shotgun that he had only shoot once 15 years ago to kill a snake. He wants me to come up and kill this HUGE rattle snake. People always exaggerate so I figured it's probably about 3 feet long and no big deal.

I load my 357 Magnum revolver with 3 Shot shells, similar to shotgun shells only smaller and fit in smaller bore firearms,and 3, 38 target shells. No need for 357 hollow points since we are after a snake not a Mountain Lion. Also load my 22 LR Cal. Rifle with 10 shots of snake shot shells.

Get to Jim's place which is about a quarter mile up our road and since the snake is hiding someplace I decide to unload the stuck shell out of his shotgun and reload it correctly. Start searching and find the Rattler under a bundle of large pieces of sheet metal, 4ft. X10ft..

Jim gives me his Shotgun as he proceeds to flush this Rattler out from under. The Rattle turns out to be over 4 feet long has NEVER missed a meal since you cannot get your single hand around it's girth. Also has the tenth Rattle starting. The snake comes flying out from beneath the metal and immediately goes into a striking position with this massive head about a foot in the air and it's only 6 or 7 feet away from me. Jim starts hollering " Shot it, Shot it, Shot it". Me, I'm trying to take aim and pop off the first shot and only hit it in the head with 6 or so pellets. The snake dives back under the metal and now I realize that Jim was right about this being a BIG Rattler. I ask Jim if he has any more shells and he pulls out the only one he has left. I figure I better not worry about saving the skin and I'll just blast this big boy to snake hell. Jim flushes it out again, it goes into it's stance and I lower the shotgun to be sure I hit it, kill it and I'm not thinking about saving the skin any more. I squeeze the trigger and see a large chunk of the snake blown off as it is slammed to the ground from this direct hit.

The unexpected then happens. The Rattler flops over and starts crawling towards me and I'm only 6 feet or less away from it. I lave a empty shotgun in my right hand that's not mine so I can't just drop it to the ground. Now with the Snake about 4 feet or so close I reach for my 357 Magnum and as I'm trying to pull it out of this BRAND NEW HOLSTER, the revolver gets stuck and goes off. Revolvers do not have safety's generally.
Some how trying to get the revolver out I accidentally pulled the trigger while the revolver was still in the holster. It naturally blew a hole through the bottom of the holster and at the same time as I was stepping back to get away from this not quite dead rattler I felt the concussion and heat of the gunshot on the back of my left calf when it went off. I thought that was REALLY close. Until I looked back and saw the blood on the back of my jeans. Guess the Rattler sensed the heat and vibration as it turned and went the other direction where it died about another 6 feet away.

I holler to Jim that I just shot myself and as he comes over I hand him my Revolver with which he proceeds to empty it at the snake. He never hit it... Seems Jim was going into shock instead of me. Go figure.

Fortunately I am this marvelous shooter and not only did I miss the back of the Knee, my ankle, the Bones, major blood vessels but also major nerves. I do end up with a permanent collection of 135 lead pellets in my left calf plus some long scars from where they had to cut both sides of the calf to reduce the swelling which possible could have led to me losing the leg from the knee down. I also have a fine collection of 80 used staples.

Another bit of luck is that the Wife has been in the Insurance business about 40 years, is still working in the industry and has always made sure we have the best coverage we can afford. You see this little accident has run up a bill heading to the north side of $130,000.00

1. Not only did the Sheriff confiscated my Legal and Registered 357 Magnum Smith & Western Revolver. 2. Not only will it be subjected to a bunch of test to be sure it has not been involved in any wrong doing. 3rd. I have to file for it with the Dept. of Justice, State of California and the San Diego Sheriff's Dept. to get it back. 4th. the fore mentioned groups need to do a background check on me. O' yeah I need to show that I have a license to buy handguns also. GUN OWNERS READ THAT PARAGRAPH AGAIN !!! This happens when ever you call 911 and report a firearms incident.

So that's what happened on May 19th. 2010 . I am now home and able to be up and about to stretch out the muscles that I turned into human hamburger. Only up short times to do therapy for now. All the Doctors have released me and my wonderful Wife, Nurse Esther has also released me so she can get back to a normal life. Oh' Esther, the wife, has forbidden me from playing with our neighbor Jim and has also forbid me to play with guns. At least till I've really learned my lesson. Trust me I've learned that lesson, unfortunately this is the second time I have had to learn since I have a 38 cal. slug in me below my right collar bone from when I was 12 years old. Ah, another story for another time. HA!!!

I guess I'll not have to worry about accidently shooting myself again if they are all 54 years apart. Hum? Is Jack Kevorkian retired? Wait, the first two were accidental. Ya' never know what will happen when you get old and tired and you next residency is some good for nothing shit stinken Nursing home where they don't even speak English or care about You.

Well that's about it for now. Might throw on a few pic's if anyone is interested in the snake or wounds?

Roger. AKA- Quick Draw, Snake Killer, Gun Slinger, Trigger Man, Snake Tracker etc.....
Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
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Postby Mike » 2010 Jul 01 Thu 9:44 am they say in many web boards...this is pure hog wash, figment of someones imagination and untrue without PICTURES.

On the other hand....hope you're doing better..! Good you can laugh about it.
Hope you live a long dreary life so you can brag about the scars on your leg for a long time to come...

Oh...and them loose triggers...!

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Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Jul 02 Fri 8:32 pm


Need to know how to post the pictures. Have not done this before. Make it simple, please?

Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
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Postby junk » 2010 Jul 02 Fri 9:49 pm


Glad your doing well. That is quite the story. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

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Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Jul 03 Sat 10:25 pm

I meant to say Shoot when I said Shot and Shot when I said Shoot, Duh...

Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
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Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Jul 14 Wed 6:38 pm


I know it's not about a Studebaker Conestoga but at least it's something to read while we all wait for some thing Conestogaish.. Ha!!

Finally got a letter back from Dept. of Justice. It seems as if I'm not a Terrorist, Domestic Violence Participant, Bank Robber or have murdered or used my Revolver in any criminal act. Therefore I am eligible to recover my handgun.

Of course I still need to make a appointment to pick it up at the Sheriff's Armory in San Diego. Need to show the Deputy Sheriff in charge the letter from DoP with the Gold Shield on it, my licence to buy and own a gun and personal ID along with a lock for the handgun so I can transport said handgun.

I'm getting to old for all this crap. If the gun had not cost so much, about $600.00, I might have just said keep the damn thing.

Well at least I'm getting better and able to get around the house abit more. Will be getting one more procedure, a Ultra-Sound that my family Doctor wants done. I guess he didn't want to go through all the trouble to sort through all the X-Ray pic's on the Cd's I got from the Hospital. What Ever!! Probably wants to confirm how many pellets are in the leg, who knows....

Tried to post Pic's of the snake and gunshot but unable. Did send some to Mike. So I have him to confirm the story. Also tride to send some to the Web Site Meister to post but they probably didn't make it through. I'm a better shot then a PC Operator. Ha!!

Neighbors have killed 6 more Rattlesnakes since my little episode. Ain't country livin' a hoot? At least no one got bit or shot themself. HA!!!

Roger.. AKA The Snake Shooter.

PS: Anybody have any luck or more info on the 55 Fenders or Wagons for sale?
Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
Half Fast One
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Postby Mike » 2010 Jul 15 Thu 6:48 am

Hey SS, um Roger -

Haven't had time to try to learn how to post pictures either. And can't do it from work...!
For the rest of you.....the damage Roger did...not so bad. The damage the doctors did.........looks like a steak ready to be plopped down on the barbeque grill, with nicely sliced edges so they don't curl up when heated. He'll have something obvious to talk about for a long time, when he has shorts on..

Good to hear your doing better and can get your gun back...but is that a good idea...?! Sorry..!!

I should have a look at those fenders...since, 1. the guy's not that far from me, 2. I have a 55 Conestoga, and 3. just to take a look for anyone else that might be interested if I'm not.


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