Conestoga ? Tractor ?

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Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2011 Jun 28 Tue 12:05 am

Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Mercury ? Tractor ?

Well after a lot of thought it seems that my Sweetheart of a wife has finally decided that I need a Tractor. Of course the funds for finishing her 47 Mercury and rebuilding the Conestoga ? Will have to be used. To BUY the Tractor.

Only having 3 acres of ground, HUGE boulders, 40 foot long container, 12' X 8' shed, 30' X 40' Garage, 2,100 sq. ft. House plus Yard Art. Yard Art you ask? That consist of a 1940's rusted, non functional Tractor and old mining equipment. O' I almost forgot the 2 water tanks, 5,000 gal and 10,000 gal. and the 2 wells, 3 Trailers AND the Conestoga that sits covered outside because there is no room in the Garage. A dumpster, enough, enough, I think you get my drift ? Not a whole lot of DIRT..

The Tractor thought has always been a thought but something small to cut the weeds and level the dirt road , etc.

The wife of 44 years, you all should be so lucky to have one as sweet and caring, decides that we should go look at NEW Tractors since I have not found anything in the past 3 years used and worthy of our property. We go to Sears, Lowe's, Home Depot and she says in her wisdom, "I think you need a Bigger one!" To which I answer, " But love, let's not talk about THAT in front of strangers. " She answers, " No, THIS TIME, I'm talking about a Tractor."

So we are off to Kubota to look at "Manly Tractors." Being the sensible one here I decide we should look at the Tractor just above the Beginners size. She of course thinks that I may be getting ahead of this equation and points out the fact that I'm a City Boy, born and raised. "Remember?" She says. "A little over a year ago ?" " You were the dummy who shoot himself in the leg while shooting a Rattlesnake." Point taken. Those 135 lead pellets are still in my calf.

We now decide to walk in and talk to the Salesman. After a short description of our property, length of driveway, what we want to do, etc. The SALESMAN has now convinced her that we need at least a 30 hp. Diesel Tractor. Not a garden tractor or a beginners model but a real "Manly Tractor". He just happens to have a 33 hp. (MANLY TRACTOR) that is exactly what we need. We are talking about a $25,000.00 brand new Kubota Tractor with a couple of Implements.

OKAY ? I think we need to go home and talk about this ? We go home, we talk, we decide to visit other Tractor Dealers, other Kubota Dealers etc. After seeing or calling 8 Dealers, most of our neighbors who own a Tractor or have owned a Tractor, we have made a decision. After pricing out Tractors for as much as $36,000.00 ? We have, my wife has, decided we need a upgraded Kubota Tractor with extras at over $31,000.00 since it will be easier on me to operate. Damn, that's about the same amount that we paid for her last fully loaded SUV we bought in 2005! Looks as if the Street Rods will sleep a little longer. Oh well, I hadn't bought that Lift yet anyway. Hell, I'm only 67 years old I've got plenty of time to finish them.

Substantial down payment and 5 years 0% interest ? And now we have a new Tractor. Of course I have to rearrange everything in that garage to make room for the Tractor, her Mercury and her daily driver. This means the Golf Cart has to come out and I'll need to build a cover for it. Ha!!!

Ain't life grand ? We moved to the country to get away from manicured lawns, Home Owners Assoc. and CC&R's telling us what we can or cannot do with our property. At least we have a Tractor now. It will make things easier. Ha!!! And if property cost were the same then as now, we would have bought a LOT more DIRT and would have, of course, needed a much bigger Tractor. HA!!!

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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby Mike » 2011 Jun 28 Tue 12:30 pm

Funny, good story Roger...!

I guess that's one of the reasons I'm single..!
I've got three car projects along with what I'm trying to do for others (head porting)....and no one to tell me no...except for money, and being just plain lazy...! can't even play lazy when you want. You spent a ton of money on this new're gonna be expected to....use it...!

Wana sell your Stude...?

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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2011 Jun 28 Tue 9:55 pm

Sell the Stude ? Hum ?

Unfortunately the Stude only goes after I'm gone. Pity the fool that want's to barter with my wife. Of course she may use what's left of it to bury me in. That would be another story.



"May he rest in RUST."

Any more questions? Ha!!

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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby hi-per al » 2011 Jul 20 Wed 8:31 pm

So how is life with the tractor? Diggin any holes? Been so quiet around here I figure maybe your wife read your post and took you up on the idea.

Progress on my Connie is very slow but some day she is gonna have paint. Kinda like drag racing waiting on a body shop/pal to finish up. That would be HURRY UP and WAIT !

I been doin a little racing and finally got my ass into the 7's consistantly. Hell #2 in points after 3 races and only a round outta top spot. Been racin my Garden tractor/ mower too. Hard to stay ahead of them damn mosquitoes. I dont ever remember a summer this WET! Makes for way easy diggin. Hmmmm...I hope my bride dont see this.


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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby Mike » 2011 Jul 21 Thu 6:23 am

Hey Al -

Was gonna send you an e-mail about your wagon. Just curious how it was comming along.
Sounds like me and my three sets of cylinder heads I'm trying to finish porting. I just finally got a sacrificial valve from Manley so I can do the chambers. I needed one from them because on two of the sets, I moved the valve over .050" and used an 8mm valve stem on those valves.

Fun...7's and #2 in points...very nice.
When you gonna bring that thing to Pomona/Fontana and let me take it for a lap...? Can't be any harder to drive than my little Harley powered Buell can it...? woun't even pull the front wheel off the ground without a tug on the bars... My 1125 will "lighten" the front end at the drop of a hat..! I'm really not good with only one tire on the ground though, I normally lean over the front when I'm on the throttle hard to help keep the front contact patch there...


P.s. - Bride.....!?!?
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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby hi-per al » 2011 Jul 21 Thu 9:38 pm

Mike...Anytime you come to Edmonton in the summertime you are more than welcome to take a couple of hits on my ole girl. I REALLY mean that! Summer is only 4 months of bad ice up here but we still get to go play. Emailed you a couple of photos. Excuse the relic ridin but you will get the idea.

I saw that you had some cam/lifter issues with your Rotax. Whats up with that? Some moron there said that bikes lives were measured like dog years. He should have seen my K model that went 58k after a rebuild without any issues until I crashed it or my 58 Tintop that went 51K without any major mechanical issues and was still running well when I sold it. Whats up with that?

I have no experience with the 1125 motors but if they are anything like the other Rotax's that I have encountered you have the exception and not the rule.

Bride...You know spouse, mate , partner, other half, wife, keeper of the tractor and purse strings etc. Or is that WIFE...Washing, Ironing F@&$#%g, Etc.?

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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby Mike » 2011 Jul 22 Fri 3:30 pm

Hey Al -

Great...sounds like fun..I'll dust off my leathers.

Sounds like someones been moonlighting on the "Stude Racing" site..?

Yea, my 1125CR has been a pain from day one -
1. Tuning..horrible, actually undriveable. Had to spend big money on a computer program AND had to learn how to tune it myself.
2. Rear turn signals went out, tried more foctory ones, ended up having to by aftermarket.
3. Stator went out at about 18,000 miles. Almost $600.00 out of my own pocket (don't trust the service guys to do the work..!)
4. Lost the kick stand spring on the 605 freeway on the way home from work. That's fun, driving with the kickstand flopping on the ground..!
5. Clutch slave cylinder leaks.
6. I checked the valves the first time around at about 4000 miles...ALL under the just 4000 miles.. If I would have waited till the prescribed miles, the engine would'a been trash.
7. Rear master cylinder piston locked up with just a "little" pressure in it...toasted the disc before I figured it out.
8. The factory brake pads (front) imbedded some sort of garbage in the front disc, I had to put aftermarket pads and clean the disc to get rid of the pulsing in the front brake handle. This was at about 2500 miles.
9. AND cam and follower is 23,000+ miles.

What the hell next...?

My old 03, Yamaha R1 (sport bike) (bought it new) has over 100,000 miles on it and still runs great. I bought it new. I've got two old Yamaha FZR1000's with over 100,000 miles on them. "Maybe" this is saying that my next bike should be a....Yamaha..!

As for Stude content here....I'm still hoping those guys I've been talking to will consent to do up some Studebaker cam shafts for us.
Anyone else interested in a hot rod camshaft for their Stude, keep a watch on the Studebaker Racing site for more info. ... f=1&t=2276

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Re: Conestoga ? Tractor ?

Postby hi-per al » 2011 Jul 26 Tue 8:09 pm

Mike ...You are rite about the moonlighting. The cam build thought is very interesting to say the least. I am not sure if I will venture into a race Stude engine or not at this time but a custom cam sure sounds good.

Your Rotax dont sound so good. Man you got a Friday bike or what? The Christine of motorcycles. Never owned or worked on one so my experience is second hand at best. I have heard nothing of what has plagued you .

I will keep an eye on the cam thread.

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