Questionable parts seller ?

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Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2009 Dec 16 Wed 9:04 pm

Hi Everyone;

Just got contacted by a fella by the name of James Miller Email address telling me he has some parts I am looking for.

Since I have not dealt with him before I wanted to check with you all to see if anyone here has dealt with him before. He says he has some very hard to find parts at very reasonable prices.

Oh, did I forget to mention he is located in London? Yep, London UK not Kentucky. He's going to ship a set of Fender skirts and a Station Wagon Roof by UPS and all for *^@<*+ , I can't tell you, you just won't believe me, and to think he can't show me pictures because his computer is CRAPPY. Just needs my address and O' by the way send a money Gram.

I'm old and sometimes I make bad decisions. Should I send the Money Gram or just send each of you a Check? I need help here. My wife says she will leave me if I send this guy a Money Gram.


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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Mike » 2009 Dec 17 Thu 7:24 pm

Check, M.O., Money Gram...all ends up the same....cashed

While on one hand, I'd make sure I at least saw "SOME" proof that he has the pieces.
35mm cameras still take fine pictures. It make take more than a week to get them in regular mail, but it's one small proof that he actually HAS them.

NOW...this still doesn't mean you'll get them.

I sent some motorcycle stuff to a guy in the UK a coupla years ago. About $700 worth. It all went ok. you was from here to there...not there to here.

Yea...I'd at least wait for pictures.
No money.

IF...he sends pictures..well...then it's up to your "gut"..

I still need a wagon roof too...

As for the name...nope.
Is he part of the Stude Drivers Club ?

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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby s2dwagon » 2009 Dec 17 Thu 7:48 pm

I don't think UPS will ship anything as large as a wagon roof in the first place, unless I'm missing something. If so, you may want to try UPS C.O.D., if that service is still available. That way, you don't pay for it until it arrives on your door step. I haven't used it in years but in cases like this, it was worth the extra cost to insure the product arrives before you fork over any casholla.

Best of luck,

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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2009 Dec 18 Fri 3:09 pm

So I send James a very polite Email explaining to him that my dear wife of 43 years has threatened to leave me if I were DUMB enough to send a money gram. She has revised the threat to include the Studebaker, everything else I have, and the one and only testical I have left. OUCH !!!!
I also mentioned that I needed at least measurement of both items before I could proceed. Also suggested that he visit a friend who's computer was not CRAPPY or a Internet Shop and send pictures to me. I would also be willing to show him pictures of CASH. Ha!!! Also suggested that I send the money to a Bank only being released after delivery has been made. Told him that there are SCAMMERS out there and WE BOTH need to be as careful as possible.
I don't think I need to expound on the rest of the Email only to end by telling you all that for some reason James has not responded. :shock: James? James? :twisted: Are you out there somewhere selling Studebaker parts?
Humm? Could James have be trying to take advantage of me? Could YOU be next? Please don't tell me you have delt with him?
Oh well I guess the search goes on. Still looking for that elusive Conestoga trim piece that is on the tailgate, Fender Skirts and that 2 door Lark station wagon Roof.
Maybe Santa Claus has this stuff and is trying to decide which of us deserves what? Well that just shot my chances. Easter Bunny? Tooth Fairy? Who else :?:
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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2009 Dec 19 Sat 8:52 pm

Can not believe it....
James Miller has left the Internet and his buddy Jerry Floyd has now sent me a Email letting me know HE has the same parts in EXCELLENT condition and wants to know if I am still interested in them. Jerry is also in England and he sent me his phone number. I'm sure you all want me to call right? HA!!!!
So, what do you think? Can I be so lucky to find another guy that has the same stuff? Could Jerry be James? Could James be Santa? Could I be on a hit list?
Wow, I wonder where they got the info? Kind of scarry.


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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby jerry » 2009 Dec 20 Sun 7:38 am

I heard ( through the fillings in my teeth) that he was going to save you shipping costs by making the top a raft and sailing the parts to you. Maybe the Coast Guard will be calling you soon with good news!
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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2009 Dec 20 Sun 10:33 pm

That's Great News;

I can't wait to get that call from the Coast Guard. Matter of fact I think I will send him a bonus AFTER I get the parts.

Just got another Email. Wish I knew how to post those here, you guys would love it.

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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2009 Dec 21 Mon 1:18 am

Oh Shame on me:
I just answered James last Email and asked him to let me know if he had PayPal and if not I could send him cash. Don't you just love this? As if he has PayPal when I offer to send CASH!!! HA!!!
I also told him that I was just about finished with the restoration of a very rare RHD 1967 Daimler with a V8 and a Blower that got left in the USA after being displayed as a Factory Show Vehicle back in 1967.
Wondered if he would be interested in finding me a buyer in England? Would be willing to pay him a 10% commision for his help. Oh, and I was going to sell the vehicle for $90,000.00 plus shipping. SURE I AM.... Can't wait till he asks me for photos. Remember the CRAPPY computer line?
Might as well have a little fun with this. Wonder if I should ask him for a little up front money to finish the Daimler, just to be sure he is honest? Wouldn't that be something, Scam the Scammer?
That's the latest for now.
PS: Any other suggestions on how to string this guy along? HA!!!
Hey, I could give him your Email addresses and tell him you guys are also looking for parts?
Just kidding.....JUST KIDDING....
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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Mike » 2009 Dec 21 Mon 7:46 am

Pretty funny.

I've strung people along on the phone...that's fun.

Never by e-mail.

What the hell...If "he/they" don't read this forum...send'em my e-mail. I still need a roof also..!

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Re: Questionable parts seller ?

Postby Half Fast One » 2009 Dec 21 Mon 12:26 pm

Send me youe Email address and I will forward this whole scenario to you. You can then decide if you want to play. Ha!!!!

PS: Asked which Fender Skirts he had after I supplied him with 2 different descriptions neither of which would fit. Told him which set I preferred and guess which set he has? The exact ones I described and prefered. The set that looks like a rectangle and has square ends. You got to love this guy. Probably need to send him measurements JUST to be sure.HA!!!
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