How do I open (or close) my door...?

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How do I open (or close) my door...?

Postby Mike » 2010 Oct 24 Sun 12:59 pm

Ok...somewhat dumb move...but I've done it many times.
But this time...I knew as soon as I did was a bad thing I just did.

While getting the wagon ready for the Zone meet this weekend, I had the right side jacked up to clean the tires. I had just washed the car, so while the tires were going thru their deal, I decided to wipe the door jams clean/dry.

When I closed the door (still jacked up in the center of the frame rail), the door locked up with about an inch to go....and when I say locked up...I mean it ain't ANY direction.

Looking into the lock area from the inside, everything "appears" to be in the right place. The door is still aligned height wise.
It appears that the teeth of the catch mechanism have locked up on somthing.
In looking again this morning, it also looks like the little safety catch might also be holding the door from opening.

Anyone got any ideas for getting this thing to move again....other than a torch...?


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Re: How do I open (or close) my door...?

Postby Mike » 2010 Oct 24 Sun 6:32 pm

Ha...took a day but I finally figured it out.

The catch/lock mechanism was stuck with the lock gear (don't know the real name of it..) wouldn't turn and it was jammed against the safety catch (the little safety on the outside of the stryker (on the body).

I bent an old screwdriver shaft so it would engage the gear and tapped on it a few times while pulling on the door handle with my foot..! Finally got it open...

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