sheet metal

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sheet metal

Postby jerry » 2008 Nov 27 Thu 8:52 am

I am looking for the metal on both ends of a grille surround for a 53 or54. I am changing my 55 to 53 front end. I have the have a grille and the bottom piece but the ends where they connect to the fenders are gone. I am also looking for the side trim from the pass. door to the rear.
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Re: sheet metal

Postby Mike » 2008 Nov 28 Fri 10:43 am

Hey Jerry -

Not sure what you mean by the "ends"..?
Is this something behind the inserts? I took apart a bad 54 front end a while back and don't recall anything back there. The insert (chrome ring) attaches to the fender on the ends, a plate (of sorts on top and another "plate at the lower area between the bumper and the insert.
I'll go out and check later for any other parts, but Beside the 55 having the big chrome pot metal covers, I don't think the 54 has anything in the corners.

By the way...had you planned on selling your 55 stuff...or is it only fit for the trash?

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Re: sheet metal

Postby jerry » 2008 Nov 29 Sat 6:56 am

Thanks for the reply. Everything I have was apart when I got it (car also). After seeing your reply and looking at some car pictures, the rotted out piece may be the parking light housing. Maybe if I try to put it together correctly I'll have a better idea of what I need. I do have some decent '55 parts - also some dash stuff. I live in upstate N.Y. (near Rochester) so shipping might be a killer.

I'm not a complete idiot- I have some parts missing!
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Re: sheet metal

Postby Studeblu » 2008 Nov 29 Sat 7:35 am

Jerry do you have a parts book ? If not you should have especially if you are starting with
A car that is already disassembled. Most all the Stude. venders have them.
I have a lot of 54 Conestoga parts that I would sell cheep if I know what you need.
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Re: sheet metal

Postby Mike » 2008 Nov 30 Sun 9:50 am

Studeblu -

I know this is somewhat of a loaded question....but.
Do you, or can you put a list of the cleaner/better parts together?
I know Steve L. is looking for the hood safety latch.

I, as others may see something that I don't "think" I need...until it pops up on paper (?).


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Re: sheet metal

Postby Studeblu » 2008 Dec 01 Mon 8:02 am

I have a complete front clip that I would sell the parts from.
It has been disassembled.
Both front fenders have the usual small amount of rust.
I only have the upper tailgate extra without glass.
Lots of mechanical parts from complete V8 engines and
an automatic Trans. and an OD T96 .A pair of rebuilt 232 heads.
I have an extra 289 crank and an extra 62 not full flow 289.
Couple good used windshields with some lamination around
the bottom edge.
Also Hawk and early Lark body parts.
Check my adds on the swap page for lots more
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Re: sheet metal

Postby jerry » 2008 Dec 06 Sat 7:08 am

I just got my body parts book($40 from Studie Int.) and it doesn't show any parts from the firewall forward. Do you know what book I should get?
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Re: sheet metal

Postby Studeblu » 2008 Dec 07 Sun 11:43 am

What you need is the 51-54 Chassis parts book. It has a break down of the front sheet metal.
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Re: sheet metal

Postby Mike » 2008 Dec 07 Sun 4:46 pm

Jerry (Studeblu) -

Thanks for the list.
What is the condition of your crank shaft? Underground?
And of course, what do you want for it?

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Re: sheet metal

Postby Studeblu » 2008 Dec 07 Sun 6:23 pm

Mike I sent you a PM The crank has not been ground but it would need at least 10-10
Jerry Kaiser (studeblu)
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