by Half Fast One » 2010 Jan 20 Wed 11:33 pm
Damn, my friend just sold his set of upper and lower RADIATOR HOSES that fit all Corvairs. Gee wiz I wish you would have ask before. HA!!!
Kind of strange how these scammers all said they were in or around London, UK. There must be some kind of get away with anything thru the UK.
Since a few of them actually suggested using Western Union I contacted W.U. to give them a heads up. They wanted all the info I could give them, Email address etc., but told me there was little they could do. Here's a thought, maybe change the way they send money without the need for I.D.? DUH? Or, how about setting up a sting with the local authorities when it's so obvious? Way to simple. It's still all about making money, the hell with the folks that get scammed. W.U. still gets paid and then will tell the poor soul that got scammed that they should have been more diligent and done a better check on the person they sent the money too.
Enough ranting. Although I wonder about the folks sending money to help those in Haiti?
Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....