transmission suggestions?

Buy-Sell-Trade, Wanted, Q&A, anything Conestoga!

Postby Mike » 2005 Jul 06 Wed 7:20 am

Yep............ Had one in my 67 Chevy II, (wagon).

Don't do it..........

Actually it's not a "bad" transmission. It's just that the T-200-4R is a better trans. Similar in overall costs.
The 200 has a MUCH better gear spread, the overdrive is a little steeper. The 200 is lighter, smaller outside dimensions. And best of's just as strong and there's less parisitic drag, in other words...less hp loss in the trans.

In fact, it can be rebuilt to hold over 600hp. I know, I have one that cost....well, a LOT of money.
I also have one that's going in my Conestoga, that didn't cost nearly as much !! It was a standard rebuild with a coupla Hi-Perf. tricks. Although it's a place holder of sorts untill I can get everything together to put a 5spd. manual trans. in it.

The Buick GN guys have been and are still using them. Even at the drags, and running in the 9 sec. bracket with them. They came stock in the G.N. and the G.N.X.

As for the adapters, there's a couple on the market. I've got two...but I "think" it's promised to someone !? Let me see if he's still interested and I'll get back to you. I think Dave Theiubault (spel?) has them. Look at the vendors section of the site. They're about $350/$375. Aluminum or steel. The one I have for sale/trade is steel.
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