2 - 55 Wagons Plus

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2 - 55 Wagons Plus

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Feb 12 Fri 8:23 pm

Just found 2 1955 Wagons. One is parts only the other has been driven till parked and is in fair condition. It may still be running, talked to him for a long time so not sure if I got it all correct. Gentleman called me to offer me parts I have been looking for and we have made a deal. He is checking both vehicles for the Conestoga Script so those are bought if he has them. Also has a set of Skirts off a 55 President, checking to see if they will fit the wagon and if so they are sold also.

If you are looking for other parts or a 55 Wagon you are welcomed to call Delbert Crossley at 1-208-467-3799. He is not available by internet, Email etc.

He also has a few other Studebakers, 52 Sedan, 55 Sedans, Pakards and other Studebakers, some running most not. He is in his 70's and trying to get rid of everything. I think he said he lives somewhere around Snake River, Idaho. He has shipped out lots of stuff in the past so shipping is not a problem. He operated a towing business for a long time and has been collecting Studebakers forever.

If you decide to call him be prepared for a long conversation. Sure wish he had called a few weeks back but you do the best with what you get. Also he has just sent in a for sale ad in the local chapter, Snake River, Idaho Chapter. So do not wait to long to call if there is something you are looking for.

Also, if anyone has allready dealt with delbert please let me know how things went.

Thanks, Roger.....
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Re: 2 - 55 Wagons Plus

Postby Mike » 2010 Feb 14 Sun 9:43 am

Hey Roger -

Good catch. Too bad they aren't closer to home. I'd like to do some "touch" picking if you know what I mean.
And see the almost running car up close.

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Re: 2 - 55 Wagons Plus

Postby hi-per al » 2010 Feb 14 Sun 12:30 pm

Roger...Thanx for posting this. Both the 55 wagons are flat windshield according to Delbert. Wants 2K$ for the complete one that used to run until the clutch started slipping. Sounds like he has a bunch of cars for sale. A gaggle of Bullet nose cars and a 50 2 door Packard fastback that sounded interesting. He is in Nampa, Idaho which is about 20 miles west of Boise. You are rite, that gentleman can sure chat.

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Re: 2 - 55 Wagons Plus

Postby Half Fast One » 2010 Feb 15 Mon 3:22 am

Hey Guys;

This is a great find. Not only the vehicles but Delbert himself. It's one of those opportunities that you only get once in a while. If I could find another fella or two or three that would be interested in driving up to meet Delbert, tape his stories and capture digitally or on film exactly what he has, I'd take that trip in a minute. We might need to take a little cash and a trailer along just to be safe. Ha!!

You have to know that this mans life has been filled with some great times, great vehicles and great stories. Probably make a great book or at least a good article.

It's these little gems of history that we to often let pass. Such a shame.

Delbert is a talker and generally those are the ones with all the great stores, antidotes and the guy that people will talk about a long time after he is gone. That's when they'll say that it's to bad no one ever documented his story.

I personally have met a number of old timers in racing, building, collecting, and general knowledge of the automotive world. I have always been amazed by what comes out of their mouths if, you only take the time to ask a few questions and get them going. You will find this even in our little group. Guys that race and build their own engines and drive trains, those that have knowledge of paint and bodywork, the fella that does weird crap with suspensions. It is something that just gets past us because we don't take the time to pry this stuff out of them.

I hope I get to talk to and listen to more folks with great stories about everything automotive. I love hearing about how they got started or interested in what they do.

We need more knowledge of history and good stories of those with great stories to tell, to pass on to the young guns who will keep this all going.

It would be fun even to find out more about our own little group. I know there are at least a few surprises that most of us don't know about. Maybe we should just start asking a few questions about how we got interested in the vehicles we all have a common interest in?

Just something to ponder on.

Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....
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