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Postby Half Fast One » 2011 Nov 09 Wed 9:45 pm

Gentlemen, Ladies;

Retirement, the good, the bad, and THE EVIL MOTHER*@%^*&'S !! Now, since I've got that off my chest, let me continue.

As I had mentioned awhile back my sweetheart of a woman and the love of my life for the past 46 years had decided that I needed a Tractor. So she took out $15,000.00 out of her IRA account as a down and with 0% financing picked up a small $250.00 a month payment for 60 months to pay the balance. Not 1 month later the AS>*<LE part owner and managing princaple of one of the 50 or so offices of a National Insurance Brokerage Co. decided to eliminate her position with the Office. Of course she is the oldest, 64, and highest paid in her position among the 20 or so with that position and has been there the longest time. She, along with 2 other people, took care of a book of business for the top Producer in the Office.

No need to go into it anymore other then to also let you know that the person in the Co. with the least amount of accounts and the highest lost ratio is one of the other two co-workers and the Producers SON. My wife was asking were I had put the 357 Magnum.

We had talked about her retiring when she was 62 but way before she got there she lost 1/2 of her retirement funds in the first stock market bust. "Oh, Mrs Myers no need to pull out of the Stock Market. It ALWAYS goe's up and down. It will recover."

Then we thought maybe 65? Not a chance another hit when the Bankers decided to steal everybody's money. That took another 50% of savings. So then she thought she might have to wait until she hit 70. Thought WRONG !!

So they give her a severance package including 9 weeks pay, vacation pay and Cobra Health Insurance until her 65th. birthday in May 2012 when she is eligable for Social Security. HA!! And she filed for unemplyment for the very first time in her life. She gets a, ready for this, top benifits available because she made such a large salary? $450.00 a week. Her chances of finding employment ? My chance at 68 and have not worked since I was disabled back in 1985 ? Good thing I've forgotten where that 357 Magnum is.

So, what's next ? Probably we have enough to get by for 6 months maybe a year then it's sell what we can, say goodby to the house since we are upside down, who isn't, and start over.

The final kicker? Wifey started feeling bad, who wouldn't, and thankfully she has the Cobra at $700.00 plus a month since the Doctors have found Lesions all over her bones and back of throat. So far they have not found Cancer and byopsy's are benign. Have taken other Byopsy's yesterday and found a large soft tissue mass on Sacrum, large bone bottom of spine. So far she is doing OK given the circumstance's. Wish her well.

NO, neither the Mercury or the Studebaker are up for sale YET.. Who knows maybe we'll win one of those Lotto's ? Said the panhandler on the corner. HA!!

Later, Roger...
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Postby Mike » 2011 Nov 10 Thu 8:38 pm


After reading the title....I thought you bastard...retired...a few of my friends have retired in the last year or, I'm constantly concerned about impending layoffs at work. No way I can retire, monitarilly...
So far...I'm still working..!

THEN...I read all this doom you've got going on...again...WOW.
I've been somewhat in your shoes. While I was a little younger when it happened, I got cought in the "aircraft crash" of the 90's. I've spent most of my adult life working in the aircraft industry.
It took me 5 years to get back to work...a real job anyway. I had to sell the race car I had been building. Was about 85% done with it. That really hurt, and got pennies on the dollar. Had to sell a few other toys too...I didn't want to loose my house.
I got down to my last money in the bank as enough for a mortgage payment. Didn't know how where the next mortgage payment was going to come from.
Very of my good friends got me into then, TRW (now Northrop Grumman). It took me years to get back to where I was.

I wish you the best.

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Postby Half Fast One » 2011 Nov 12 Sat 2:57 am

(Preliminary) Result;

Doc, called whats to see us ASAP. Just received Preliminary Results of last biopsy, wants to see us in person.. Gee whiz, this makes us feel warm and comfy ALL OVER!! Doc starts out with "So far the results are what we had discussed, it's Multiple Myeloma or plain English, Incurable Bone Marrow Cancer..." It seems to only be in the bone marrow which is good news, NO ORGANS found to be affected yet. Fortunately started in the bones. This would be a lot worse if they found Cancer of the Lungs, Liver, etc that had spread to bones. Doc's opinion is that this is treatable with Chemo and other meds and if they can kill all the Cancer cells, collect her own collected healthy stem cells and replace all the effected bone marrow with her own cancer free, do a Bone Marrow Transplant.

Of course, we wont know the rest of it until Doc, gets full report Monday morning. our Appt. is afternoon. Hopefully it's not worse news but is a story of remission.

Thanks for your time. Roger...
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Postby Mike » 2011 Nov 17 Thu 7:30 am

Hey Roger -

Anything new ?

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Postby Half Fast One » 2011 Nov 17 Thu 11:36 pm


Damn, I hate it when I catch the Doctor's staff in lies and they are stupid enough to try and cover it up. It's not bad enough that we are going through this, and then this crap.

Instead of the biopsy results being sent to the Dr. Monday morning the Lab calls them to let them know they have been sent to another Lab for further, more extensive analysis. Hum? Think there may be something else to worry about? We have been given a appointment Friday to see the Dr. Monday afternoon at 4:00 pm to discuss final results so Chemo can start. When we arrive we are told that we did not have a appointment as the Lab had sent everything over to another Lab. Ask why we were not called to let us know, she comes up with "Oh your here to get pre-check on Chemo treatment." Tell her we went through that last Friday. "Who did you see Friday?". Didn't know we had to take names! Go through the same thing we went through Friday but this time the new Gal hands Esther a large portfolio and says, your going to love this, "Here take this, I don't know wants in it but you might want to look through it." She also says that they want to start with treatment as soon as possible and the Meds that are given are always the same. Gee Whiz, Dr. wants to see FINAL results to be sure the right meds are given. What does he know?

We are told that they will get everything checked and call us Tuesday. Esther calls late Tuesday and the circle of crap starts all over again and they will call back today as soon as they get everything together. Wednesday Esther calls 3 times, more circles. Today 2 more calls and tell them we want to talk to Dr. or we will cancel Chemo treatment and further appointments, "Well what do you need to know?." More circles. Dr. finally calls us back only to tell us this is the first he has heard about the problems we have had getting info. Apparently the results had finally come in and things are more advanced then he or 1st. Lab had thought. Instead of Cancer being in Beginning Stages it is between Intermediate and Advanced Stages. Still confident that Chemo, Meds and Stem Cell Transplant will put this in remission. Unfortunately damage done can not be fixed.

Have been told by people that know, that Loma Linda Hospital Group and Esther's Dr.are the best not only in California but also the country. Every Patient, Dr., Lab we have spoken with has told us she, Esther, could not get better treatment. Kind of scary, huh?

Will let you know how things go Monday.

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Postby Mike » 2011 Nov 18 Fri 7:23 am

Wow...yea...what a bunch of crap.
About half way thru your story, I was thinking, "time to find a new hospital"...but you cought that at the end. Yea, I've also heard that Loma Linda is supposed to be good.
Boy if that's good...!?

Again, wishing your wife the best.

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Postby hi-per al » 2011 Nov 20 Sun 7:04 pm

Mr. Roger....Damn!

Life aint fair and it it sure aint the same for everybody. I am one of those lucky folks that has survived 3 different types of cancer, one of them guaranteed life ending by 1983 treated or untreated. Tell your wifey that despite all of this crap,she MUST remain positve. You remain positive as well as she will need support. Dwell on the remission word. Winners dont quit and quitters dont win. Old cliché but true none the less. At least you have the option to select a better facility and better practitioner for help. You have some choices. My maladys have been dealt with in a world of social medicine where you get the luck of the draw. God help you.

I have never had a real job for any length of time as I have been self employed for the past 37 years and now I am finding that I am a dinasaur in the landscape of the present world. I fix things in a disposable world. DOH? Always thought that I would have a job because I had my best man on it. I like to think of myself like my Studebaker; as a survivor in this fubared, throwaway world. I persevere and take solace in knowing that as bad as it is, it can ALWAYS be worse.

Live EVERY day !

Wish Esther well ! REMISSION!

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Postby Half Fast One » 2011 Nov 24 Thu 1:07 am

Thanks for best wishes and thoughts. Esther went for her 1st. Chemo treatment last Monday. No repercussions yet. Once a week for 4 weeks then check blood-work and see where she goes from there. Nurses that are giving her Chemo say that with this type of cancer Chemo should not effect her to badly. She insist that she will fix Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Go Esther. Glad it's just the two of us and not family and friends. Ha!

Hope everone has a happy holiday. Our Best Wishes to all.

Roger & Esther...
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