by Half Fast One » 2012 Jun 26 Tue 6:40 pm
I might need to hook up 110 or 220 to a couple of paddles and place on each temple to jog my mind BUT, I bought a early Chevy II 10 bolt rear end and it matched up PURR-FI-CALLY. OK, maybe give or take 1/4 inch. Won a POSI unit and rear end rebuild. Both the Posi Mfg. and Re-builder told me it would hold up to 600HP. It will be connected to a 700R-4 and ZZ-4 Crate engine. That,s all I'll want.
Of course that's if we can get a Modified loan on our property. Foreclosure has already started. If, OR WHEN we lose the house we will need to sell off most of everything we own. Bye, bye toys, tractor, tools, etc,etc... Hello Senior Center. HA!!!
For those that are wondering about Esther and her Cancer? After 3 months of Chemo and then 2 titanium rods in her left femur and femoral head which she had to have done before having a T-Cell Transplant she is now BALD and in REMISSION. YEAH !!!!!!
Half fast one - Say it fast, says it all ....