Buy-Sell-Trade, Wanted, Q&A, anything Conestoga!

Postby Conestogaman » 2005 Apr 29 Fri 7:31 am

Thanks Briz!
Happy Wagoneering!

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Postby Half Fast One » 2005 Apr 30 Sat 5:38 am

It must be Christmas..... Just got that cardboard present in the mail. Cannot tell you how happy I am. Now I've got a template to work with and a chance to see if skirts will work.
Thank you again. :D
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Postby BRIZ » 2005 May 01 Sun 2:13 am

no prob brothers!

Conestogaman wrote:Looks like there was some kinda welting along the perimeter of the skirt held on by staples. Any idea of the materiel? I'm gonna guess a fuzzy coated rubber strip, kinda like what you find in the window channels (cat wiskers?).

it had some hard rubber (no fuzz) stapled around the edge that meets the body. it was mostly gone, so i pulled the rest off and removed the staples. the buckles are strong enough that it doesn't rattle or anything and my paint ain't fancy enough to worry about.
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Postby Conestogaman » 2005 May 02 Mon 7:10 pm

Yeah, but you sure wouldn't want to lose one... :cry:
Happy Wagoneering!

'54 Conestoga Champion
'54 Conestoga Commander "Connie"
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Postby Mike » 2005 May 03 Tue 7:26 am


I've already thanked him, but I guess I'd better do it here too...with everyone else.

Thanks for the template Briz.

Your grill bars should go out this weekend (051405).

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Postby hi-per al » 2005 May 10 Tue 8:14 pm

Yo Briz....the templates showed up today. :D MANY THANX! 8) Sure must have messed with the customs guys minds when they opened up this package and found alsolutely nuthing. Haaaaaaaaaaaa! Would have paid to see that! At least they taped it all back up and did not screw it up.

I gotta say that they came in handy rite away as I thought that I had a set of real fender skirts stashed away. WRONG! Now at least I know that whatever those skirts fit it is not Conestoga.

I owe ya a sarsparilla or two for the postage and time. Maybe I can make good at the national in August.

Keep smilin and stylin....Al
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