Welcome Mel And Sherri

Buy-Sell-Trade, Wanted, Q&A, anything Conestoga!

Welcome Mel And Sherri

Postby Mike » 2005 Sep 27 Tue 7:34 am

Welcome to our tiny group.

Most everyone here is helpfull.
We all have a hard time finding Conestoga only parts, so be patient if asking about parts.

Are you restoring it or doing some form of hot rod?
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Postby Conestogaman » 2005 Oct 05 Wed 6:03 am

Here! Here!

Welcome to the asylum...

We must all be crazy, right?

It's good to see another "local" Connie owner.

(if you could call Yuba City local to Sacramento...)
Happy Wagoneering!

'54 Conestoga Champion
'54 Conestoga Commander "Connie"
'54 Conestoga "Rusty bucket"
'48 Stude 2R 4x4 monster truck "Tina"
'94 BMW K75 "Red"
'01 BMW R1150GSA "The Cow Killa"
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