New (to me) '55 Wagon (Conestoga?)

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New (to me) '55 Wagon (Conestoga?)

Postby Spamcan » 2022 Jan 03 Mon 5:17 pm

My father (Charlie Chan, SDC member 072812C), a steadfast Studebaker fan, recently passed. Being I have been living far away across country, he and I never had time to wrench together on his Studey's, he liked to refurbish them. He used to own a Lark (long sold) and there's a truck (in parts) that sits in the back of the house. We don't know where to begin with the truck (I can't yet find any documentation of it) and there's a chassis, tranny sits elsewhere, can't yet find the engine, and there are parts in at least 4 cabinets. Supposedly all that's needed to get it together is there. Not sure what we'll do with the truck, I'm open to suggestions.

But alas, I have inherited his '55 Wagon (per the title). But I'm looking to learn more about this car. I've joined the SDC, been reviewing the Studebaker Museum, and Google of course. Seems this may be a Commander Conestoga? I failed to get more pics, I'll be returning in Spring to gather it up for dad's memorial then bringing it North to its new home. Below are pics of dad with it as a show, and me (with one an ode to dad, he was ornery). What I can tell you from memory and what I've been told:
Nose is altered?
Carb replaced with an Edelbrock
Aftermarket wheels
Several gauges have been replaced

After driving it, questions started popping up in my mind:
1. What fuel (leaded/unleaded)? Being an Edlebrock carb, I feel like maybe unleaded?
2. After the drive and how weak the brakes felt (had to press them hard), may do a disc brake conversion (looking at Turner Brakes)
3. Drivers door window is cracked, may replace it if I can find one
4. It's hard to start (requires starter fluid), but once running and warmed up it runs/idles fairly well. May need to find out what Edelbrock it is and see if there's something I can do with starting.

And I'd love info/links to more info that I can find for my Wagon. Thanks, Dave (Spamcan)
Right.jpg (199.7 KiB) Viewed 309358 times
Front.jpg (175.65 KiB) Viewed 309358 times
Driver.jpg (149.15 KiB) Viewed 309358 times
Charlie.jpg (158.17 KiB) Viewed 309358 times
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Joined: 2022 Jan 03 Mon 5:14 pm

Re: New (to me) '55 Wagon (Conestoga?)

Postby Mike » 2022 Jan 04 Tue 12:06 am

Welcome Dave -

I'm giving you the same answers that I gave you on the HAMB..!

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Re: New (to me) '55 Wagon (Conestoga?)

Postby Spamcan » 2022 Jan 04 Tue 11:01 am

Thanks Mike
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Joined: 2022 Jan 03 Mon 5:14 pm


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