Time to retire the forum?

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Time to retire the forum?

Postby BRIZ » 2023 Mar 18 Sat 9:35 am

since there is not much action here ...
and plenty action at https://forum.studebakerdriversclub.com/ ...
maybe it's time to retire this forum?

but not the site!
i'll keep the registry up as long as possible.
running my own server, the hardest part is just keeping up the forum & php updated to prevent attacks/spam/etc.
eliminating just the forums would reduce some risk and upkeep.
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Re: Time to retire the forum?

Postby Mike » 2023 Mar 18 Sat 9:28 pm

Hey Mat -

I was wondering if and or when you were going to bring this up !

Not sure why, but yeah, seems no one wants to talk wagons anymore.
Actually, even the "Racing" site is very slow. One guy from Sweden posts almost every day, but that's about it. A little about Stude drag racing here and there, otherwise...it seems to be down to the "Drivers" site only.

Your site, do as you need to do with the things that you need to do it to.

Let me know what and when.

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Re: Time to retire the forum?

Postby hi-peral » 2023 Apr 02 Sun 4:24 pm

Lost all my sign in info so I had to reregister to be here now. Health has also thrown me a few curves. Now with a new name and password any content that I may have added is gone . I certainly understand the foolaround with spammers is beyond frustrating. My bad not your problem Matt. Do as you see fit!
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Re: Time to retire the forum?

Postby Mike » 2023 Apr 02 Sun 9:11 pm


What the hell, where have you been ? What's going on in the great white north ?

The spammers haven't been all that bad, I check in a coupla times a day. They normally make their useless comments, or advertizing some oddball drug/vitamin overnight. So I just do a quick delete, and move on.

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Re: Time to retire the forum?

Postby hi-peral » 2023 Apr 26 Wed 4:18 pm

Howdy Mike....I have been rehabbing after an accident on my racer in 2020. Messed me up more than Covid ever could. Been a bit of an inconvenience. Kinda pushed me and my business into retirement. Made it hard to fiddle with my Conestoga as I was committed to getting back into the seat of my racer. I was rewarded with my 7th Canadian Championship at the end of 2022. Upgrading the bike for 1 last kick at the cat. I guess I can call it done at 71.

I was also blessed with a Ransomware attack on my confuser that caused me to lose all my info.

I sure am gonna have to get after my Stude projects or I will never finish them.

Cheers Eh!!!

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Re: Time to retire the forum?

Postby Mike » 2023 Apr 27 Thu 5:14 pm

That doesn't sound like any fun at all !

Yeah, I'm 72, retired at 67+ and the odd thing, because I don't do much outside the house, my bikes have been mostly sitting . I drive one to Pomona for the NHRA races there twice a year, because they let the bikes park up close to the gate, it's great, no long walk to the car at the end of a long day. Out the gate, and about another 20 yards, and your there, so yeah, defiantly on the bike for those trips. To the store, need the car, out to get lunch somewhere, need the car. My closer friends have all moved away after retirement, so there's that. My closest friend is over 400 miles away, in Northern CA.

I got into a new hobby that allows, in the house time, high end, or read that expensive...air guns. I had to sell most all of my firearms many years ago because of losing my job. So those, the race car that I was building, all had to go to keep my house. I accidentally ran across this airgun (pellet) thing while digging through the internet. I thought hmm.. I bought one. Well, you can JUST buy one gun. You need pellets, you need a way to fill the gun with high pressure air (3600 to 4350 psi). Then like chips...you can't make do with just one ! I just bought a second safe to house the overflow from filling my first safe.
I shoot across the living room, then down the hall into a foam archery target. Not a long range, but I can do it ANY tme I want.

Yeah, I've lost computers in the past from that crap. Been using "Malwarebytes" the last few years, it's done a good job of keeping my two computers clean of that stuff.

And yeah, again, me too. My "driver" Conestoga, just needs an exhaust system, a different trans. crossmember and wiring to complete it ! And I have a bunch of tubing, and hopefully all of the wiring and schematics.


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