Dragged in another one...

Buy-Sell-Trade, Wanted, Q&A, anything Conestoga!

Dragged in another one...

Postby Mainstreetprod » 2023 Sep 04 Mon 9:49 am

conestoga engine.jpeg
conestoga engine.jpeg (95.73 KiB) Viewed 329707 times
My newest project, a '54 Commander Regal Conestoga wagon. Was hoping it was untouched, after a conversation with a precious owner I found it was partially restored about 20 years ago and once took first place in a national car show. Former owners are Ira Schreiber (INebraska) and James Richter (Iowa) if anyone knew them . Both were involved with SDC.
Right now I'm going through the usual steps of waking the dead (it's been in storage for at least 15 years). Fuel tank has been replaced with a stainless one but NO FILLER NECK (!)
Finally got the fuel pump pumping today but no gas getting to the manifold, so some carb work to do. Fortunately I have an extra WW from a '62 GT Hawk ( which now has to be sold because I have a one car garage!).
conestoga cargo.jpg
conestoga cargo.jpg (64.45 KiB) Viewed 329707 times
Posts: 38
Joined: 2023 Aug 26 Sat 5:26 am

Re: Dragged in another one...

Postby Mainstreetprod » 2023 Sep 04 Mon 9:51 am

My newest project, a '54 Commander Regal Conestoga wagon. Was hoping it was untouched, after a conversation with a precious owner I found it was partially restored about 20 years ago and once took first place in a national car show. Former owners are Ira Schreiber (INebraska) and James Richter (Iowa) if anyone knew them . Both were involved with SDC.
Right now I'm going through the usual steps of waking the dead (it's been in storage for at least 15 years). Fuel tank has been replaced with a stainless one but NO FILLER NECK (!)
Finally got the fuel pump pumping today but no gas getting to the manifold, so some carb work to do. Fortunately I have an extra WW from a '62 GT Hawk ( which now has to be sold because I have a one car garage!).
Posts: 38
Joined: 2023 Aug 26 Sat 5:26 am

Re: Dragged in another one...

Postby Mainstreetprod » 2023 Sep 04 Mon 9:53 am

Guess exterior photos will have to wait- forum is saying files are too large (taken with same phone, same settings, same time)
Posts: 38
Joined: 2023 Aug 26 Sat 5:26 am

Re: Dragged in another one...

Postby Mike » 2023 Sep 05 Tue 7:40 am

Thanks for posting your pictures.

Have fun with your reresection. Be sure to post any significant update photos.
Great to see another Conestoga coming back to life.

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