Need some measurements...

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Need some measurements...

Postby oldcaliforniakid » 2004 Dec 28 Tue 7:16 pm


I'm an artist in California and am using a scale model of the Conestoga Wagon for a painting that I will be doing and need a couple of measurements to help me with this painting. I don't have access to a 'real' Conestoga, but I think they are so cool looking that I am painting from a scale model, trying to make it look real. I'll refer to this website for additional info on detail, but I need to know what the height is from the ground to the top of the front fender (over the wheel). Also, I need the measurement of the front hood from the bottom of the windshield to the nose.

Thanks for your help.


You can see what I do with cars etc. on my website:
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Postby Guest » 2004 Dec 28 Tue 8:03 pm

Although we own a 54 Conestoga Sedan Delivery which is the same as the wagons with the rear side windows covered. Ours is up on stands and all apart. So, as much as I would love to see someone do a litho, painting etc, I am unable to get the measurements you need. I will try to make contact with a few of the other guys I know to see if they can supply you with the measurements you request. Please keep me informed as to your progress. You can either leave a message here or contact me by e-mail at . I hope you get response from someone as there is little if any good art work of these great vehicles.
I wait with great anticipation to see what you come up with. I have just received a couple of photos from another owner and I will try to e-mail them to you so you can use them as reference.

Postby oldcaliforniakid » 2004 Dec 28 Tue 11:05 pm

Thanks Roger. Received your photos via email. Will keep you posted.

Last edited by oldcaliforniakid on 2005 Jan 01 Sat 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby oldcaliforniakid » 2005 Jan 01 Sat 6:31 pm

Hey Roger,

Here's a photo of the model that I am using in the painting...


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Postby Guest » 2005 Jan 01 Sat 9:29 pm

Great little model. Next question, where did you find it and how much ?
A must have for some of us.
PS: I hope you got the pic's. Still afraid I may have caused a major network shutdown. Ha

Postby Mike » 2005 Jan 02 Sun 12:02 am

$85 bucks


So far I've been able to resist.
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Postby oldcaliforniakid » 2005 Jan 02 Sun 9:37 am

Mike said:
$85 bucks


So far I've been able to resist.

It was a little pricey, but most of my props are. It weighs a ton for being so small, and with the photos I receive from Roger (thanks!!!!) (and no major network shutdown!) I should be able to make it look very real in the painting.

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Postby Guest » 2005 Mar 07 Mon 7:41 am

It took me a while to get models to pose for the painting because of all the rain here in California. I need bright sunshine to get the right lighting. Anyway, stage one is complete in the painting, which is the 'rough' blocking in of all the objects. I'll now paint over the entire painting with thicker paint, adjusting all the detail in the image.

Roger's photos along with some measurements he gave me helped get the scale correct for the 'father and son'. Here's a detail in the painting which shows the Conestoga Wagon. The image below it shows the overall painting.
You'll notice that the tires aren't real round. They'll get 'inflated properly in the final paint application...



Postby Mike » 2005 Mar 07 Mon 8:29 am

O C K,

Looks real good.

One thing that does look funny (on the Stude)....and it's not your fault....
Is the spacing between the rain gutter and the windshield. The diecast car is wrong there.

In real life it's only "about" 1 1/2", not the approximately 3" that the model has.

If during your redo, you could lower the rain gutter to about half the current distance, overall your detail works well.

And if you could have just made it light blue!!!!!!!!

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Postby Guest » 2005 Mar 07 Mon 8:42 am

Thanks Mike,

You're right of course on the windshield/raingutter detail. I'll adjust that today and repost...

As for the color of the wagon, artistically, the green works the best for the painting.





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