I'm almost finished cutting up 'Ye Ol' Rusty Bucket' and decided it's time for another report.
I've unbolted almost all the unboltable stuff...
I have the roof off with lots of pillar attached...
I cut the rear corners (fins) off...
I cut the nose off for hanging on my garage wall as garage art...
And I'm about to take my torch to the rest of the body. The scrapper won't take cars unless they're in at least 4 pieces or more (so as to
not resemble a car).
I'm gonna save the steering column/box, chassis and front suspension, rear axle, engine and tranny.
I popped the head and found corroded valves but only a very light atmospheric rust on the cylinder walls, so I believe the engine is saveable. I haven't been able to judge the tranny yet.
The way I figger it, by Sunday night, my p/u should be loaded with a scrap run, and the good pieces will be ready to come home with me. I'll start packaging up the requests and let you all know the cost of shipping starting next week.
I kinda wish I had more time to dismantle it, but, this has been an excersize in maximum demolition while saving most of the good stuff in the shortest amount of time and will determine how long a project like this takes and if I feel like doing it again in the future.
I appreciate all the moral support! If I listened to my wife and friends, I would be thinking I need professional help (of the headshrink type).
I'm not completely crazy, am I?
Well, that's it for now...