Visit to Steve L's

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Visit to Steve L's

Postby Mike » 2008 Nov 10 Mon 1:33 pm

Because of work...I was in Maryland for almost two of last week.

I made loose arangements to go visit Steve L and his Ambulet(t) during that time I was there.

Steve told me how to get there and that he had a fairly specific amount of time for me because of "his" job. I said no problem, I understood.
So I headed out with a little over two hours to spend at his house.

Steve gave me instructions to get there. I had to borrow a car...the owner of said rental car had a GPS unit and he gave me the 3 cent tour.
I punched in Steve's address, with the "shortest distance" option...and off I went.
Well...Steve works in the area where I was staying and he'd said that it should take about 45 minutes to get there.
The "shortest distance"...wasn't. Note wasn't it the fastest!
After a little over a 2 hour drive..........I found his place. Unfortunatly...Steve's phone was ringing every 10 minutes or so!!

So...all in about a half an hour....I got to see his collection of ambulances, while standing in the light rain.
His 54 Stude little car. The outside is all nicely repainted to match the way it was back in 54. The interior looks good...along with stretcher! He's got pictures of it from the 50's. Found very good evidence on the car that it actually is the car from the pictures he has.
The only thing left is to clean up under the hood.

After quick tour...I was off...back to the motel.
I punched in the "fastest way" into the took me back "almost" exactly the way Steve told me to get there!!!
Oh well, shoulda listened to his original instructions...!

Anyway...good, if though short vist with you Steve. Keep the little blue car dry!


P.s. - on the plus side of the round-about trip there...I did see some of the very nice country side of Maryland.
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Re: Visit to Steve L's

Postby BRIZ » 2008 Nov 10 Mon 7:58 pm

thatz rad!

i recently experienced one of those things in a rental car in japan
ours was only in japanese and had a female japanese girls voice constantly yell'n at us
but it did get us to where we where go'n
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Re: Visit to Steve L's

Postby Conestogaman » 2008 Nov 13 Thu 12:51 pm

Maryland has some nice scenery. My aunt and a cousin live around Hagerstown.

My advice (which I doubt is worth $0.02) go with the "shortest" distance for the return trip... :lol:
Happy Wagoneering!

'54 Conestoga Champion
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Re: Visit to Steve L's

Postby stevel200 » 2008 Nov 14 Fri 2:17 pm

Mike, it was a pleasure to have you visit. I'm glad you got to come by. I'm sorry I wasn't a better host, but life goes on.

Remember, if someone gives you directions and knows their way around, listen to them and not the girl in the GPS box. I don't trust them.

If you (or anyone else, for that matter) find yourself back in Maryland in the future, Dad, Pate the puppy, and I would be happy to have you visit with us and see the Conestoga Ambulet and the other ambulances. Maybe even lunch! :P
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